Start date: June 30, 2013
End date: July 7, 2013
Venues: Mežaparks Stage, Daugava Stadium, Arena Riga
Location: Riga, Latvia
XXV Latvian National Song and XV Dance Festival will be held from 30th June 2013 till the 7th July 2013
The main festival is directed by Ugis Brikmanis, but the author of the script for the Festival’s closing concert – writer Nora Ikstena. Festive motto is “Gaisma līgo Latvijā”, which means “Light celebrates Līgo in Latvia”. There are about 39 000 members of the 3277 teams projected to participate in the festival and the Festival will be visited by over 800 000 people.
Festive events will be held in the traditional places of Mežaparks Stage, Daugava Stadium, Arena Riga and other places around Riga.
Book your stay during this eventLatest news about the Festival:
(by “Diena” News)
In preparation for 2013, Song and Dance Festival, realize that this is a social movement that involved the making festive folks far beyond singing and dancing. Approval of the budget, today is the biggest challenge for any culture event, unless it is one of the rare yourself able to pay for activities or events with only minor costs, which can get lost in the budget of the Ministry of columns. Song and Dance Festival is a grand-scale implementation, the broad social movement of these – narrow – may become the subject grateful budget cutters. For next summer, we experience the XXV General Latvian Song and Dance Celebration XV, more preparatory work needs to be done this year – the festive concepts and applications to choirs and dance shows, which, of course, will cost not only passionate enthusiasts time and energy, but also money.
Around 100 thousand people around the Latvian now preparing for this unique festival in the world, and most likely, these people will be a decisive argument for “cutters” think before making at least seven times. The next few months should be approved holiday “ideological frame”, the government appointed Festival Board, which later confirmed the Song and Dance Celebration concept and program. Festival closing concert conductor artistic leader of Airai Birziņa own idea to associate this event with the word “Midsummer” broad and deep significance.
Not to lose the “power”
“So we have not gone hard ever. Even in the early nineties, it was not. It is difficult to understand what we can get in these circumstances at the top, “says Arts Education and Intangible Heritage Centre (KNMC) Dace Melbarde. She thanks the huge enthusiasm and love for the festival, which is especially marked in rural areas. “People are not ready to give up on it because it is their way of life.”
The festival this year to prepare the required about 400 thousands of pounds “coated” is currently around 280 thousand (200 thousand of this amount is a Latvian railway donation). The total holiday budget is still under construction, but next year’s budget will have to reckon with about 3.5 million (one million will be earmarked grants for local governments), which is about two million less for 2008. On holiday costs. Areas where the organizers will save less number of new works and simplified technology solutions activities.
Knowing that the money is and will be less, Song and Dance Festival organizers are obliged to lose this holiday special mission, recalling our cultural diversity both ourselves and the world. D. Melbarde points out that in contrast to similar festivals in Lithuania and Estonia Latvian these are much more ambitious national cultural identity festival, which fits both professionally and folk art collective.
Start Latvian shot centenary
For the first time the entire holiday week will be one of the main holiday director – this has become much experienced in this field Ugis Brikmanis. He is currently working on a program of measures, but now the director is a clear celebration conceptual design, which is based in words “Light in the Latvian midsummer.” “These are the Latvian cultural festival of rejuvenation, which includes language, song, dance, instrumental music, visual arts – live folk creativity in the broadest expression,” said U. Brikmanis. “We see it as a nation purging the way through the song, which will become a symbolic starting shot for the next song festival and the Latvian state centennial 2018th year, “adds D. Melbarde. “This is a moment when the nation needs to change the emphasis from entertainment to holiday blessing deepest meaning of the word,” – the A. Birziņa, which also calls for viewers to feast behave responsibly, reflecting what is expected from them.
Festival closing concert idea expressed in words “Midsummer, – to the top!” – Writer Nora Ikstena a scenario based on A. Birziņa idea that building included a conductor Ivars Cinkuss. The final concert concept is designed in three parts: natural Rite, Midsummer Eve. Feast; sun (light) celebration. Scenogrāfiski concert will take place Ivars Mailītis created a symbolic mountain, over the course of a midsummer ritual moving sunlight. The concert was envisioned as simple as possible, without large-scale technological solutions, says N. Ikstena.
Dance grand concept of the contest won Purvina John and John Eagle’s intention to name the Father footbridge that will form the story of Latvian, offering Dancing Latvian values than nine boardwalks. The third concept is the brass band grand concert, and here the competition for the best last December, a group of authors recognized Gunta Kumačeva, John Purina, Wright Asman, Egon Salman, Arthur Maculevičs, Peter Wolf, entitled The county’s intention to stories.
Four warmup events prior to the Festival this year
2012th will be the most important year of the Song and Dance Celebration of the Unit, which require more preparatory work, including the local authorities should take place four regional Song Festival each region envisaged in this year’s summer. «Song Festival is not only Riga to reach as many people. Also, for those who have to Riga neatbrauks and the ticket will not be able to afford, “of D. Melbarde.
From March to May will be held throughout the Latvian choirs, dance groups, brass bands, vocal groups and amateur shows. Overall, holiday preparation process involved more than 100 thousand people, including 394 choirs and 544 folk dance groups. Is still unresolved is the question of choirs, dance groups and other holiday making of managers involved in a collective compensation to be paid to the preparations for celebration. Currently, the cash costs associated with each local government facilities, but KNMC preparing criteria for payment of such compensation in the form of earmarked from the state budget, from September this year.
New 2013th On holidays, the usefulness of the Song and Dance Celebration Council extension of the local government and NGOs. Festive Board this time will be the artistic functions of the Council. “Clarity over all be in February,” said D. Melbarde.
This is one of the evenings, when the county Bauska Gailisu Parish cultural center for more light is lit on the first floor and heard Kamardi. This year, the first choir rehearsal, gathered around twenty new conductor John Rotšteins newly purchased shares Celebration of repertoire books, greets the New Year. They start with a cultural center for newly appointed Head of homage, then sings the Daugava.
“Outdated, we have less, many do not come to hinder the work,” the chorus says depletion causes Kamardes member Valda Bychkow. Kamarde 45 years of its existence zenith experienced the eighties, with the collective farm Victory prosperity. There have been about eighty singers, with two buses traveling, country kitchen traveled along.
“We, the singers, that is all. Tip of the mountain, “the upcoming holiday week next year, says the Gita Pike. One important it will be the apex of the young, energetic conductor J. Rotšteinam who participate in the Song Festival for the first time. “The most difficult? The men’s voices, “Ozolins responsible for the small choir difficulties in preparing the Song Festival.
Choir practice and video / day-tv
Visual marking is one of the most powerful agents of total holiday philosophy – XXV claims the Latvian Song and Dance Festival XV final concert in the main artist Ivar Mailītis. In order to get the main holiday decoration and all external communications materials visual sign KNMC last year announced a logo contest of ideas, which the jury I. Mailītis chair of the 170 most applications selected. By then it was already clear Celebration finālkoncerta philosophical concept, and the contest jury had to choose the most appropriate visual sign. “Closing the concert theme,” Ligo! “(Meaning” Let there be! “) Describes ethnographic features – it is a rebirth of deliveries every day, maybe the depression time try to delete out of our consciousness,” he I. Mailītis. Along with the festival director Uģis Brikmane contest was decided to find something “light-bearing”. I. Mailītis continues: “We chose Riga Design and Art School schoolgirls Louise trigger-ideas that are incomplete, so that – an open development. It consists of three parts: radiation or Vizma, currents or magnetic field energy and the line of intersection. ”
Currently, together with the authors is the final version of logo design, as well as the application of modern media. Festive philosophical concept to be confirmed artistic board. L. Trigger is active Song and Dance Celebration concert visitor. For his vision of his characters says, “Fire ritual, the solar magnetic radiation, Latvian traditional strength and expression! Midsummer symbolic form depicted as incredibly dynamic energy of the people! ”
Ira Birziņa, Song and Dance Festival closing concert, Artistic Director
Mid-summer, around midsummer, I had thought about the word “valentine” and rock traditions broad and unifying role in our nation. Like Līgosvētkos, the Song and Dance Festival is a time of preparation, a time of singing and dancing, is known for a spiritual ritual that we associate with both of these developments. Choir industry council my vision was endorsed, and so this idea has become a motif of the final concert. Song and Dance Festival should not be just for entertainment – this holiday week is spiritual enrichment, renewal time, a spiritual ritual. The festival unites spiritual lift, arouse, stimulate. I invite visitors to have a celebration for those responsible, to survive this time without the barbecue smoke, so we can get to the festival from the heart would be proud!
Ugis Brikmanis, director
Celebration Week is the nation overall ritual, which updates and strengthens kultūrapziņu Latvian Latvian culture and self jaunradīšanu basis. Creation Festival, the anthem true value of the top shows the great efforts made to enrich the souls of five years, the week that gives meaning to a long year, every day, when the light valentine singers, dancers, blowers, artisans souls and deeds, we are proud to and full respect for themselves, their people, land, country. Holidays do not distinguish between the professional and amateurs, adults and children, these consist of all who truly belong to Latvian culture (within the meaning of participatory citizenship). J.Vitols simtpiecdesmitgade would be a major historical focus Festival. Feast of unifying words “Light Latvian midsummer.” Light songs and folk songs, light rock – creating a basis for all procedures sonic and visual image.
Nora Ikstena, writer, author of the script closing concert
Song and Dance Festival closing concert scenario is based on the importance Airas Birziņa and conductor Ivars Cinkuss vision that binds to the wide variety of meanings, St. John’s deep tradition. Midsummer in this case combines philosophy and celebration of nature and human life morning, mythical folk origins of religious thought and the birth. Midsummer is a transformation, spiritual and physical purification, fertility and, most importantly, light (sun) spending and a welcome ritual. Assurance that, following the natural solstice morning, this revival is possible not only to each particular individual, but whole peoples lives. Latvians, the revival needed more than ever in the history of nations. Midsummer (lihgo – “to the top!”) Liv importance of Latvian folk identity, culture, history and tradition of writing is one of the most important living symbols. Not for nothing valentine woven Celebration flag 1873rd year.
165,000 people – involved in the Song and Dance Celebration tradition of care and preservation
800 000 people – a rough estimate of the number of viewers
39,000 people – estimated number of holiday parties (Of which 18 564 singers, dancers 13700)
3277 is going to collectively holidays
64 principal conductors and artistic directors are responsible for learning the repertoire, the methodological work
8 holidays, will feature more than 30 events
Mežaparks stage, Daugava Stadium, Arena Daile Theatre, the Duomo, Piazza Duomo, Celebration Park, Esplanade, Concert Hall Ave Sol, the National Opera, Latvian University, Guild Hall, Community House, Riga Art Space, Riga St. John’s Church , Verman Garden
Warmup Events Happening in 2012 Year
March – May: choirs and dance show
May: XV Dance Festival grand performance modeling a concert repertoire
May: Senior Song and Dance Festival Saulkrasti
May – June: Celebration everyone is invited to concerts counties
July: folklore festival Baltica 2012
August: Nordic and Baltic song festivals, Turkish
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